11 – Tripping

Daisy was always looking for inspiration, the appearance of cursive writing or the look of a padded, bulky knit sweater featuring crimson and indigo animal characters like Filburt. Anything creative, really, would do.

The day she noticed something, she quizzically peered into a bathroom mirror, hoping because she was in the large stall, her sweater would reverse. 

Utterly distracted, Daisy made a note never to do it again.

“My progress has become insuperable from all the months of writing exact-sized phrases and headlines with five words or less.” Daisy thought fast while twiddling her phone in her hand.

“Have things changed in A Day? What were things like when I first started anyhow?” she thought. “Well, I was definitely more satisfied. Had a bounce to my step, could care less about the matchy-ness of my outfits. I also felt more powerful, like people were listening to me, learning from me, and so on.”

Stroking her phone, Daisy continued, “However, today, everything is an exercise—an exercise in recalling (all types included).” Distracted, she goes on, “I have great hair, and my skin is young, it seems. On that note, ageing has not necessarily imparted more wisdom or money in my purse.”

She was always digressing.

Back home, Chona grabbed her fire orange Frank & Oak bucket bag and booked it out the door. She was late, again. Always leaving the house ten minutes post-shower. She hopped into her 2008 white Rogue and took off toward the light. 

The road was slick, and rain dripped down hard, like her binary code pleated skirt that streamed neon pink zeros and ones from her waist down to her thighs. 

She hated driving, though. It was dangerous in Elevententeen, and she knew one day it would kill her. Still, she cranked the radio and listened to old 90s songs like The Cranberries’ Linger. She hummed this tune imagining it more regal played on the baby grand piano at her dad’s house. 

When she sat back to play, his gigantic TV wouldn’t let her use the old music books, so she had to carefully balance grade 8 Royal Conservatory in volumes six, seven, eight and ten. The chords? They prevented her from falling. 

Daisy’s next big project was sitting in her bag. She put it in there to prevent its glorious shimmer from stirring the Outsiders’ eyes. It could kill, and she didn’t want to be a murderer tonight.

Finally arriving, she stepped out of her car. There were Dreams everywhere! She blinked. Then, blinked again. Her eyes started to roll back into her head, and she could feel the surge streaming now from her crown down to her feet, hiding neatly inside her red rain boots. 

In her room.

Someone painted her Brooklyn studio apartment bright orange-red! So, she knew the test had begun.

Should she attack? Chona could barely hold her head up, let alone break out into dance and song. She would just have to sleep it off, her phone continually buzzing that darn song. Then, like all the other times, she passed out. What remained Wide Awake in complete consciousness (forget Artha today) was her supple orange bucket bag. And within it, her project, slipping away…

14 – Alice

How long has it been? Alice combed through her blonde hair with a piece of honeycomb she found under a tree. There was no one else in the forest today. A deep and thick fog covered everything, except the very top of the trees. Alice peered up and saw an entranceway. It was in the shape of an eye and blue cartoon birds flew through it, looking for food. I have food here, she thought, squishing her honeycomb in her dry hands. It was rather crisp and some of it just crumbled apart. Alice squished her nose and dropped it, wiping her hands on her pinafore. So, now you think we’re talking about cartoon Alice here don’t you? Is it because no images have been shown of our true character Alice? Well, let’s take a second then to describe what she looks like. But beware. She screams when she hears people talking about her. Even if it’s nice things. But I believe her screams aren’t scary or terrifying or an indication of danger. She’s just a kid, that Alice. In fact, she’s only 3.

Realm 3

Manipura Text


This realm is Artha, meaning all those who enter come to find their purest sense, goal, purpose or essence depending on the context of their health and advantage. There are many activities and resources here to help enable a proprietary state. You will find your closest friends, pets and an environment that promotes correct strength and well-being. In this realm, religion does not exist. It was determined in 2020 to be a complacent form of currency and it has been replaced with essential forms of thought and listening.

What are you going to offer in Manipura?

Realm 2

Chon Text


This realm is Free, meaning all those who enter come into an agreement that their belongings don’t exist and they can peruse endless goods and products from the past, future and present. Money is not used to pay, in exchange if one has a rare good that is no longer available to society, this can be used and the act of acquiring it is highly coveted, if not considered an extreme sport. In this realm, the bitcoin does not exist. It was determined in 2020 to be a false form of currency contributing toward technological diseases like Common Place.

What are you going to buy in Chon?

Realm 1

Life Space Text

Life Space

This realm is Being, meaning all those who enter lose their bodily attachments and have the option to become either air or ether. In these states, one is able to increase intellectual capacity and reveal relationships with life forms that have always been present, but never acknowledged. In this realm, Western medicine does not exist. It was determined in 2020 to be an ancient technology and has been replaced with Space and Heaven medicine instead.

What are you going to invent in Life Space?

12 – The Story

Daisy finally returned from Being. The train ride was the same old Opportunity – benign and forgiveness. Either way, she got what she was looking for, a daisy yellow briefcase containing several shards of teal blue wisps and something else she was planning on using at the brief. Daisy got off the train, gathered her things – a brown leather lawyer bag, candies from Chon (scented like pastel pasties) and the most important thing, a blue ty bear wearing a velour ribbon which was actually made of rare DNA. She forgot to say her sister was dead. She wasn’t involved in the murder, but she knew it happened. Starved, she headed to the only standing Canadian burger shack left in Heaven. It was called Burger Heaven and she knew, they now carried special milkshakes that assisted with technological diseases like Common Place. As soon as she arrived, she messaged her best friend (other best friend) Fe. Fe was currently running Manipura and she knew they would have a great dinner together, talking about heros. She flipped open the menu and could not believe what she saw. The whole room changed colour and suddenly everything was white and black. The waitress cunningly interrupted, but it wasn’t the usual gal, it was Shady! Daisy was confused. What the heck was a frog – part of a frog at that – doing waitressing? He slipped his cartilage hands into the opening of his apron and pulled out a knife. “You’ve made it just in time Daisy lady. Is there something I can bring you?” She shot back, completely confident, “Is there something you have for me?”

Yellow Briefcase

11 – The Virus or the Conundrum of Space

Daisy opened up her laptop and began to write. She had been assigned to design a letter speaking about the War of 2019. She’ll be presenting for TED and all of Elevententeen’s pupils will be there. The tribune, was postponed. Something to do with a new diagnosis? Alas, Daisy was excited because this presentation could signal the end of her journey. She went back to work, feeling a rush to write.

The letter began:

Today, technology halts outcome. Who hears it first, becomes a pause in our brains, allowing the alive space of digitization to enter. The first visual comment has us running to our beds/desktops eager for a reward and multiple likes once separated by peace.

This war has created emotions that we used to disregard. And now, these emotions come flooding back, just in time for Christmas. Let’s think about this season for a change.

Is it worse because we have to evaluate goodness?

Is it best because it allows us moments to prove hard workmanship?

Are we hungry for mashed potatoes or are we actually craving compassion?

Are we feeling warm and cozy or are we actually dreading waking up for a moment?

And so I say to you. Post apocalypse. When they come (feelings of despair) or when they change (frivolous concerns), ensure you are perceiving the right way.

This new time will become a newly renewed love affair. Not between partners, but among trees. Amidst technology. For the planet and for business sustainability.

Returning back to the matter at hand. We have learned that our perception does not come from the inherence of the season itself, but from the attachments our society has formed to recognize its presence. We all recognized the burden of things changed. We accept the new leaves, yet we loathe the alive routine. But it is these routines, which are difficult to many, that will become your impartiality. You can still take the winter jackets out of storage, battle multiple colds and even welcome the re-release of horrifyingly humorous memories.

Daisy paused for a banana split second. She had a ham and cheese omelette on her mind.

She continued – 

My friends. I continually battle with the idea that the world around me dictates my capabilities, my depth of understanding, my skills and my knowledge. This is now false, because outcomes can be deciphered. Deja Vu? From different realms. An awakening? Of old Mother Earth. We imbue a desire to communicate, engage, then we activate our chosen device (could be true thought; could be a rejected memory) and begin to receive the message. This is only 1-way communication, there is also 2. So, at what point is the message one hundred percent real? At what point does it impact veritable change? Is 100% still an appropriate measurement? It may be difficult for you all to tell; there could be billions of individual entities engaging right now and the true game is just beginning.

When you feel lost, think about this:

In reality, old or new, love is complex.

It is a system that involves desire, admittance and in this new age, food.

Albeit an old program, arguably ineffective, but still around.

You may believe you are choosing select items, however in this new age of openness, we are all objects suddenly classifying subject. Making decisions which impact our shopping mechanisms, for instance.

How does that make you feel?

How much will it cost (mentally, figuratively, physically, emotionally, spiritually) to participate?

Who is managing currency and why? Who has the rights to money now?

We don’t want the feeling of our worth in the process of these changes to become falsified. We don’t want our worth to be based on illogical desires/demands which our current culture and societal sub-text had us dreaming of. Portraying these literal imaginings (still), however we should not be involved in that feeling. The past or the image has not necessarily inspired greater Being, but more questioning, more travel further beyond the limits of time. Quantum leaping. The cost to be involved is altering our own sense of currency, so that we can belong and feel rich and fulfilled.

The intention of my letter to you today is to say – there is a greater meaning behind our technological (new) interactions. Our role as humans is to comprehend our ability to evolve into new forms, including an innate, superior form of Being classified under AI. This form rejects nature, but only at first as part of its complicated introduction (compliance). I don’t want to say initiation, but it sort of reverts to this, because people so fervently reject new shapes of change, if they do not fit any previous mould.

And so, our Technologists and Artists will go about creating super logical systems that will facilitate transformation. They will implement the strategies of our highly evolved grey matter from planet Earth. The ultimate gestation involves our ability to balance decision-making processes from both sides (human and digital human) and predicting outcomes as products of a specific user experience, not conceptual volition or trend. At the end of the day, if I were to meet you in person, would you truthfully portray truth and empathy? Stand up, because we need to get going, move out butts out of our seats! We need to understand this new heat, before it evaporates into thick air.

Folks, this is the end of Digital Warfare.

Daisy stops. Satisfied. She liked what she wrote. She always did. She capped her yellow inked pen and closed the notebook containing every unknown element to Elevententeen’s reckoning. If she was going to be a part of this mass destruction, she was going to lead it. There was no question.